Pay Per Click

Better visibility.Better control.

Pay-per-click advertising or PPC helps to direct traffic to your website by displaying advertisements on relevant search pages. To optimize effectiveness, you are only charged when a visitor (or potential client) clicks on the ad to view your website. PPC helps you to boost your visibility by buying relevant traffic to your website or online store, instead of relying on organic searches alone. And for all practical purposes, the idea of only paying when your ad actually ‘works' can seem quite lucrative from an advertising spend point of view.

The reality is that as many as 61 percent of PPC ad spends fail to produce even a single conversion. Whether this is because the marketer added too many keywords, focused on the wrong keywords, obsessed unnecessarily over ‘Cost per Lead' or created ads that lacked distinctiveness or a compelling ‘Call to Action' – the factors that could lead to failure are many. What your company needs here is an expert who understands and specializes in PPC, and will work with you to ensure that you get the best value for your money. You need a company that has all the right tools, field experience and is willing to think ‘out of the box' and innovate, until you receive the kind of results you are expecting. A good PPC manager will also routinely tweak your PPC campaign to keep those clicks pouring in, and to keep converting those clicks into additional business for your company. You also need a company that hates wasting money on campaigns that don't work, so that you never have to worry about spending too much for too little.

Simply put, you need a company like INFOPROFIX Ltd in your corner.

Targeted PPC for optimized results

INFOPROFIX Ltd has a systematic approach to PPC that focuses on delivering more value to your business. We are adept at Google AdWords and Bing Advertising, which are the two search powerhouses that can make or break your online presence.

We begin from the ground up, by taking the time to understand your industry sector, business, organizational goals, competitors as well as your business's USP to create a customized PPC strategy.

We advise you about setting realistic goals for your PPC campaign, in line with your budget and unique requirements.

We then begin to apply that strategy or tweak your existing campaigns in line with this strategy.

We make sure that your campaign is targeting all the right keywords and use sophisticated techniques to only explore those markets that are relevant to your business.

We will also ensure that your advertisements are focused on the keywords, are well written and designed with a strong call to action.

We'll test your ads in real time to check their efficiency and quickly make any modifications necessary for even better performance.

All our efforts will focus on the singular goal of making sure you get the right kind of traffic at the lowest possible cost. We will also work with you as you explore new markets and medium opportunities, and expand your advertising landscape. All our campaigns are backed by robust analytics to measure and map the efficiency of your ads at every step. We will also advise you about the best ways to enhance your Return on Investment (ROI) and keep you updated about the progress of your campaigns.

INFOPROFIX Ltd has expertise in ad extensions, which are a powerful tool to stand out amidst your competitors. We will also help you to set up and manage powerful shopping campaigns that promote your inventory and help you to sell more and earn even more. Further, we are adept at remarketing – a technique that allows you to place strategic ads before visitors who have already visited your website in the past, but have not made a purchase or an enquiry. Many businesses consider remarketing to be one of the most effective ways of connecting with website visitors, since it cuts through typically long sales processes and competition to yield more sales conversions.